2024-01-22 Newsletter

January 22, 2024

(Posted by riley on 2024-01-22)

Upcoming event announcements

Hello all,

It's been a while since we've had a newsletter, but hey, better late than never right?

We've got some really cool events coming right up!

UNIX Class 1

Our first event for Spring '24, we'll be hosting our Unix Classes! This week will be an introduction to Unix and working with the command line shell, with all the commands you need to know to excel in a UNIX environment! Unix Class 1 will be at Keller 3-210 on this Thursday (01/25) from 5:30PM - 6:30PM! RSVP NOW at!

Unix Classes will run weekly for four weeks every Thursday from 5:30PM - 6:30PM! RSVP for all events at the link above!

Visit us at!

Our administrative meetings are held on Fridays at 6pm, and are open to all members who would like to get more involved. We also hold a general meeting/open house in our club room at Keller 2-204!

You can join our Discord server here!

Lots of love,
The ACM Officers