2018-10-13 Systems Committee Meeting
October 13, 2018
on 2018-10-13)
- Ashmita (Systems Committee Member)
- Isai (President)
- Louis (Sysadmin)
- Michael (Webmaster)
- Nathan (Systems Committee Member, Very)
Last Week's TODOs
Persistent TODOs (Louis' todo dump)
Topics for Discussion
- New Systems Committee Members
- Ashmita
- Amethyst's Friend
- Connor
- CUDA on battlestation
- Garlic (the machine)
- Rename this?
- Can we purchase this now?
- Purchasing GPUs: CraigsList/similar
- Purchasing GPUs: Find someone who knows about ML to ask about what we should be getting
- Website refresh
- More content
- Org scheme for content
- UofM branding re:mats
- Old photos
- Font?
- Todd
- New Systems Committee Members
- Ashmita
- Resolution: Yes ({louis, nathan, michael}: yea)
- Amethyst's Friend
- Nathan: Amethyst brought a friend by who seemed interested
- Michael: Systems committee intern?
- Louis: Split into "rooted" and "unrooted" members
- Rooted == Trusted, gets root
- Unrooted == Interested in networks stuff, etc
- Create separate discord group: sensitive stuff (passwords, security) remain in committees/#systems and everything else goes in interest-groups/#club-systems
- Resolution: Talk to Amethyst, give tour (+1 from Ashmita, Louis, Michael, Nathan)
- Connor
- Nathan: He Solved Bridge Panel
- Michael: Yup, solution correct
- Louis: What now? Probably in-depth "tour"
- Michael: We should have a reference sheet to real docs.
- Louis: We could use #systems-help-wanted as part of the tour/as a challenge
- Joined #systems-help-wanted ages ago, no followup?
- Louis @-ed them
- Systems Committee Membership
- Means you're not a duffer, but you don't (immediately) get root
- Isai: Operate on basis of least privilege
- Louis: Makes sense, limit to people to named officers and officer-like people and people who have done lots of work in the past
- Basic premise: Committing to do shit in #systems-help-wanted, being generally helpful
- Gopher Site
- Louis: Looks good, tweak wording to sound less gatekeepy
- Resolution: Yes from Louis, Michael, Nathan
- And already done!
- Also adding hardware specs
- CUDA on battlestation
- Louis: Or any other machine
- Nathan: Only thing worse than malware-infested gaming PC is compute server people keep rebooting to turn into a malware-infested gaming PC
- Michael: What's CUDA
- Nathan: It's like OpenCL
- Michael: Why not use that
- Nathan: OpenCL doesn't actually work with existing software
- Louis: 1080 should be used for work
- Isai: ^^
- Michael: Could we use some sort of advanced queueing
- Nathan: VR?
- Louis: Only have VR nights every few weeks?
- Nathan: We could use extra LAN Party money for 2080
- Isai: This'd work, call it Upgrading Hardware for LAN Party
- Louis: Add budget category as "new resources for members" or similar?
- Isai: What's garlic quote for?
- Nathan: Everything but GPUs
- Isai: MNQuant status?
- Louis: They haven't really gotten back to us
- Isai: We shouldn't depend on them, we could set it up and let them know they can
- Isai: Add 2080 to budget, get to Thomas
- Garlic (the machine)
- Rename this?
- Can we purchase this now?
- One purchase request per vendor
- Find case, discuss later in meeting
- Purchasing GPUs: CraigsList/similar
- Louis: Is this possible?
- Isai: Add to real meeting topics, find out
- Louis: Real question is "can purchases be made by members"
- Isai: P-card probably required
- Louis: CraigsList can't (usually, like 99%) be done via card
- Purchasing GPUs: Find someone who knows about ML to ask about what we should be getting
- Nathan: Just get a bunch of cards and SLI, no?
- Louis: That's my understanding
- Nathan: I can talk to Eric E. and see what his opinions are?
- Add budget things:
- https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bk3dr6
- 2x https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-Converter-Prolific-Chipset-CB-DB9P/dp/B00IDSM6BW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1533171028&sr=8-3&keywords=usb+to+serial
- Website refresh
- More content
- Isai: Add "ACM through the years," so people (sponsors) can see what we've done in the past. More content is good, will ensure that it's not a pain to get to the real site (through a department landing page).
- Michael: Should have events
- Nathan: File an issue, I'll do backend and Ashmita will do fronteend
- Org scheme for content
- Louis: re: censoring meeting minutes, could make them non-obvious to navigate to so there's less of a chance of people feeling the need to censor them. Make link under events, replace it with e.g. "History"?
- Michael: Yeah, it clutters.
- Resolution: Yes from Isai, Louis, Michael, Nathan
- Add link to MH site "for info about previous MH's, click here" -> acm.umn.edu/asdfasdfasdf
- UofM branding re:mats
- Louis: U-wide push for Drupal is because U wants consistent branding. We could copy UMN CSS?
- Nathan: Sign into thetis, choose "classic theme"
- Louis: Mats doesn't care, he doesn't want to be bugged about not meeting the branding requirements
- Old photos
- CTF!!!
- Michael: Team reg done, can just add a bunch of "standard easy problems."
- Unix Class Captions
- Nathan: Is this actually getting done?
- Todd
- Nathan: Should probably integrate with thetis
Short Term
Medium Term
Long Term