2023-09-08 Meeting
September 8, 2023
on 2023-09-08)
2023-09-08 Meeting
Start Time: 18:05
End Time:
- Jaz
- Kelton
- Iris
- Autumn
- Alice
- Riley
- Nadia
- Mini
Topics for Discussion
beginning of MH sponsors
- TODO: list of who to talk to (prior sponsors, new sponsors)
- reference previous master spreadsheet
- caveat: will take lots of {emails, time}
room reservations check-in
- done: about acm, resume workshop, unix class
- need: LaTeX workshop, ctf, presentation night, paper pals, trivia
- TODO needed by 19th to ssf events
- fall: CTF, pres night, paper pals
- spring: unix classes, presentation night, drawing night
- I also need these for posters
cleaning up committees / helper friend / other roles if it seems prudent
officer todos being directed to a channel here
- emails
- once every week (newsletter)
- TODO scheduling emails assigned to Riley
- website update
- discord announcements
- once on monday and a reminder on the day of the event
- TODO sending discord announcements assigned to Jaz
- chalking
- discuss at end of each meeting what to chalk
- check the forecast
- TODO chalking discussion
- posters
- unix classes, resume workshop done
- professor emails
- advertise unix classes
- kelton gathering list of profs to contact
- TODO send emails to profs for unix classes, resume workshop - assigned to Autumn
inputting of spending report information
- where to find missing ledger info:
- stipends
- cables + fpga
- TODO ask cole where this is
- last years ledger:
- TODO iris schedule meeting w/ ssf re:spending report and minnehack
SSF budget stuff - get me the info, please!
- re:acm 23-24 ssf submission info
- TODO event organizers: send info!! (see spreadsheet)
- TODO mini send iris group mission alignment + acm's goals for ssf events
MinneHack SSF request
ACM national report
- TODO purchase acm national - Iris + Autumn
- TODO ASAP file this (due nov 1) - Autumn
- membership info, events we've ran, member count
treasurers - SSF advisor meeting scheduling for MinneHack submission