2021-05-24 Online Meeting
May 24, 2021
on 2021-05-24)
2021-05-24 Online Meeting
Start Time: 17:30
End Time: 18:55
Charles (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Cole (Treasurer)
- Kelton (Treasurer)
- Hemant (Systems Admin)
- Andrew (Webmaster)
Last Week's TODOs
One Week
Four Weeks
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody:
Topics for Discussion
- Election results
- DNS records for ISO mirrors
- Missing faculty sponsor again
- Papertrail yearly billing
- Papertrail not working
- Elections
- GitHub billing issue
- FY22 department budget
- FY22 department budget
- Cole: Do we want money? What do we want to spend it on?
- Cole: This is a weird time to work on this bc we can't do ssf yet
- Kelton: we can look at the one from two years ago to see what we usually request
- Kelton: I'm a little unclear on where the split is on where event money comes from
- Kelton: This could be where we get the new TV from
- Mike: Do we need a new tv?
- Cole: The one we have is... struggling
- Kelton: It looks like we can just copy the 2019 budget for events
- Kelton: And the tv would go in electronics and general upkeep
- Kelton: What else do we want to buy
- Cole: We probably don't need to request a new couch and a new landline again
- Election results
- Who won:
- President: Charlie
- Vice President: Kelton
- Treasurer: Cole
- Treasurer: Marguerite
- Systems Admin: Hemant
- Webmaster: Andrew
- Secretary: Louis
- Someone needs to tell Ben Koch about the new officers
- The website needs to be updated also
- Papertrail yearly billing
- Kelton: Hasn't happened yet, I'm meeting with Leanne to figure this out
- Papertrail not working
- Hemant: I need to set it up. Put this on my todo list
One Week
Four Weeks
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody: