2020-11-02 Online Meeting
November 2, 2020
on 2020-11-02)
2020-11-02 Online Meeting
Start Time: 17:15
End Time: 18:05
- Charles (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Cole (Treasurer)
Kelton (Treasurer)
- Hemant (Systems Admin)
- Andrew (Webmaster)
- Louis
Last Week's TODOs
One Week
- Andrew:
- Hemant:
- Kelton:
- Mike:
- Cole/Kelton:
Four Weeks
- Andrew, Hemant, Kelton, Louis:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody:
Topics for Discussion
- MinneHack registration
- Annual report
- MinneHack registration
- Louis:
- no-restrictions gender field issue (at least add a 'please double check' nagbox if none of man|woman|male|female|boy|girl|neutral|gender|trans|non|binary are substrings, since we got a shitload of phone numbers and middle names last year)
- chuck travel stuff i assume?
- do we still need gender if no sleeping areas? we have needed it for MLH in the past AFAIK and it is useful statistical information; if we don't need it maybe make it optional?
- discord integration out of the gate?
- what else do we always forget?
- Hemant: I have all the logic to put things in the database and let people submit forms, we just need to decide what info to collect
- Louis: Are we still an MLH affiliate?
- Charlie: No
- Andrew: I took the badge off the website. Do we need to update our code of conduct now?
- Mike: Can we just paraphrase theirs?
- Andrew: Yes?
- Cole: The only thing we'd need to change is the reporting procedures
- Cole: I feel like a lot of this is already under the acm code of conduct
- Mike: The only part of the acm code of conduct that's really applicable to a day-long event is the general behavior section
- Andrew: We should probably update the rules just in general
- Mike: What information did we decide to collect?
- Hemant: I think first name, last name email should be fine unless the U wants more than that
- Louis: There was that one woman who wanted demographic info for her pdh or something
- Charlie: Sponsors might want to know where people are coming from
- Louis: Oh yeah, school, year in school, and major might be good to collect also
- Hemant: Andrew can you update the form with this info?
- Andrew: Yeah ok
- Andrew: are we sending out shirts this year?
- Charlie: No, we would have had to start thinking about that a long time ago
- Charlie: The only physical thing we're doing is prizes
- Hemant: Opaque also needs to get started if we're doing online MinneHack
- Charlie: Not necessarily, we can still just use devpost
- Hemant: Oh. I was gonna say, I could just extend the thing I wrote to be opaque
- Annual report
- Mike: I've filled it out but I can't submit it until we get our national memberships
- Cole: Oh. I can email Shana then
- Mike: We also need to talk about the money
One Week
- Andrew:
- Hemant:
- Kelton:
- Mike:
- Cole/Kelton:
Four Weeks
- Andrew, Hemant, Kelton, Louis:
- Someone:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody: