2020-09-21 Online Meeting
September 21, 2020
on 2020-09-21)
2020-09-21 Online Meeting
Start Time: 17:07
End Time: 17:36
- Charles (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Cole (Treasurer)
- Kelton (Treasurer)
- Hemant (Systems Admin)
- Andrew (Webmaster)
- Louis
Last Week's TODOs
One Week
- Andrew:
- Charles:
- Cole:
- Hemant:
- Kelton:
- Mike:
- Cole/Kelton:
Four Weeks
- Andrew, Hemant, Kelton, Louis:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody:
Topics for Discussion
- Hack the box CTF
- FAST trivia event
- Hack the box CTF
- Hemant: Jeopardy-style ctf's are bad, i think a hack the box would be better
- Kelton: we talked about this last time, i thought we decided to do that next semester
- Louis: I don't know what you mean specificially by hack the box, like what the rules/goals would be
- Louis: I was thinking a hybrid would be more fun, where we use jeopardy style scoring but the tasks are breaking into a vulnerable webservice
- Kelton: i think if some of the problems for the jeopardy-style ctf were this, that would be fine
- Andrew: I don't know if people will be able to do it, based on the skill-level of previous events
- Hemant: CTF might be better if it were more educational anyway
- Louis: If we keep running into the problem of people not being able to solve the problems, we might want to change the scope of the event
- Hemant: Just based on how it went last year, we should change something even if the style stays the same
- Andrew: We could have checkpoints in a hackthebox to sort of lead people through the process
- Mike: So what have we decided?
- Louis: I guess we've decided to do a jeopardy-style with some hackthebox problems
- Kelton: I think a format change might be in order for next semester
- Louis: The time isn't really a factor, since we haven't started on this one yet
- FAST trivia event
- Charlie: FAST emailed wanting to do the resume event, but we're already committed to doing one with Target
- Charlie: I told them we would be intersted in doing a trivia night, and suggested 11/5 at 5pm
- Andrew: What would a trivia night even entail?
- Kelton: I don't know, there's computer trivia we could ask
- Cole: We could look online and find problems
- Charlie: I think they have an event prepared
- Charlie: I'll ask them if they can send us the questions ahead of time
One Week
- Andrew:
- Charles:
- Mike:
- Cole/Kelton:
Four Weeks
- Andrew, Hemant, Kelton, Louis:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charles:
- Hemant:
- Cole and Kelton:
- Everyone:
- Somebody: