2020-05-05 Online Meeting
May 5, 2020
on 2020-05-05)
2020-05-05 Online Meeting
Start Time: 16:30
End Time: 16:??
Helen (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Nathan (Treasurer)
Louis (Systems Admin)
Charles (Community Ambassador)
- Hemant (Membership)
Ashmita (Webmaster)
- Cole (Secretary)
- Kelton
Last Week's TODOs
- Cole:
- Helen:
- Hemant:
- Louis:
- Mike:
One Week
- Charles:
- Cole:
- Helen:
- Kelton:
- Louis [spring break]:
- Nathan:
Four Weeks
- Charlie:
- Louis and Hemant:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charlie:
- Louis:
- Everyone:
Topics for Discussion
- Officer elections
- Movie night movie
- Officer elections
- Mike: Have we asked if people are interested in running yet?
- Cole: No, I can send an email with that form
- Mike: And have we decided where/how we're holding the election? I think gopherlink isn't ideal because nobody uses it
- Kelton: I think Hemant was putting everybody on gopherlink
- Mike: The last I heard he had removed everyone and was gonna invite all our paid members to (re)join
- Hemant: I did that, yes
- Mike: What percentage of our paid members accepted the invitation to rejoin?
- Hemant: I don't know, but I also don't think it matters if people who don't care don't vote
- Mike: Sounds fine to me
- Cole: I can send the email if someone helps make the form
- Hemant: We also got an email from acm telling us we're missing members
- Nathan: That's just because our terms expired, we can fix that after elections
- Movie night movie
- Mike: I think Fargo's good
- Kelton: I'm fine with that
- Cole: Cool
Things to say
- If you continually do not do your tasks, please ask someone to do them. It is better to have someone a little bit grumpy at you than for them not to get done.
- Cole:
- Helen:
- Louis:
- Mike:
One Week
- Charles:
- Cole:
- Kelton:
- Louis [spring break]:
- Nathan:
Four Weeks
- Charlie:
- Louis and Hemant:
Blocked/Long Term
- Charlie:
- Louis:
- Everyone: