2019-11-11 Officer Meeting
November 11, 2019
on 2019-11-11)
Start Time: 18:35
End Time: 19:14
- Helen (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Nathan (Treasurer)
Louis (Systems Admin)
- Charlie (Community Ambassador)
- Hemant (Membership)
- Ashmita (Webmaster)
Charles (Secretary)
Last Week's TODOs
- Ashmita:
- Charles
- Mike:
- Helen:
One Week
- Louis:
- Nathan:
- Charlie:
- Helen:
Four Weeks
Blocked/Long Term
No new submissions
Topics for Discussion
- LAN Party
- Charles: Poster placement
- Nathan: Spring event planning
- Charles: SDC prizes
- MinneHack update
- LAN Party
- Charles: The meeting with gamers and ieee is on friday 11 at 5:15. If you are involved with LAN Party, be there or else.
- Nathan: where?
- Charles: idk where else except the acm room
- Louis: what does friday 11 mean?
- Charles: [no response]
- Helen: If the meeting is this Friday (?) I will not be there
- Nathan: We should go over the meeting the following Monday for people who can't make it
- Helen: Louis says it's going well and he'll ask for help if he needs it
- Hemant: I haven't started writing problems yet but I have ideas. I can start working on that this weekend.
- Helen: Louis wanted to talk about reserving a room for the attack defense ctf next semester
- Helen: I want to reserve the circle table room, if possible. We can just pick a date late in the semester
- Helen: We can ask Target for money for prizes again? Nathan what is the status of CTF money
- Nathan: I don't know about SSF yet, I think we still have Target money from last year?
- Helen: I thought we didn't have enough Target money, weird...
- Helen: I think we should wait to choose the CTF date until people know their schedules [friday?]
- Nathan: I am also writing questions, I just haven't started yet
- Hemant: This won't be an especially advanced CTF, and we have some left over from last year
- Hemant: We will have to start next semester's ctf more far in advance
- Charles: Poster placement
- Charles: The custodians asked me to not place posters on glass or on the pillars in the entryways. I think this is a reasonable request and we should abide by it. However, we should definitely put them in various other conspicuous places.
- We are all on the same page about this
- Nathan: Spring event planning
- Nathan: I'd like to plan events around our schedules and the meeting once everyone knows their schedules
- Nathan: Monday maybe? And we can do slight adjustments if things change
- Charles: SDC prizes
- Charles says he will buy them tomorrow
- Nathan: I will be going with him to purchase the prizes for the people who will be receiving them
- MinneHack update
- Mike: I get the feeling that we're extremely far behind where we should be
- Mike: What's the status of sponsors that aren't Ecolab?
- Helen: I've been trying to get in contact with Optum and they've been not responding
- Charlie: Isai has been in contact with Accenture
- Charlie: I got a rejection email from Travellers
- Nathan: How are we feeling about contact with sponsors in general?
- Charlie: It's hard to tell over email, mostly just waiting.
- Helen: Charles says he's been talking to Best Buy, idk how it's been going
- Nathan: What else needs to happen? I'm calling the bus company to get a quote tomorrow
- Mike: We have the great hall, do we need to be worrying about food this far in advance?
- Helen: Yes, but I'm worried about the money. I can make up a budget, assuming we have Ecolab, our leftovers from last year, and the SSF money.
- Helen: I can do that by Sunday.
- Helen: We also need a platinum sponsor. If we don't get one, we need to come up with the prompt ourselves
- Helen: We also need to get more registrants
- Ashmita: Is Cole working on the posters?
- Helen: I just asked him.
- Ashmita: If we don't have a platinum sponsor what do we do? A lot of the schedule revolves around them
- Helen: I don't think we should give the plat benefits to the next highest sponsor, that wouldn't be fair
- Helen: There wouldn't be a keynote, or maybe Ashmita would give one
- Helen: The past platinum sponsors have been Cargill and Optum, but Optum has been ducking me
- Ashmita: What's the status of Target? I think they'd be interested
- Helen: I will email them this week
- Nathan: Who's doing the shirts?
- Helen: UGP, I think?
- Nathan: They're out of business I think
- Ashmita: Teslaworks uses Fresh Prints, I can check their prices
- Nathan: Is Charles not doing it?
- Helen: I don't think so, because of the volume, but maybe
- Helen: I think UGP is still in business. Timeline on that is about a month in advance
- Nathan: Prizes are also a consideration
- Helen: That will also depend on budget, so we'll have to talk about that next week
- Helen: If everyone could think about prize ideas, that would be great
- Nathan: No matter what the other prizes are, the first place prize needs to be desireable, I think
- Charlie: There's also some MLH thing?
- Helen: Charles has been taking care of that? We're having a call this week
- Hemant: I will to talk to Gabe and get a 3M contact
- Stuff to do:
- expected budget
- food
- prizes
- more sponsors
- platinum sponsor
- backup plan for no platinum sponsor
- registrants
- shirts
- posters
- bus quote
- Events
- MinneHack (with link)
One Week
- Charlie:
- Helen:
- Louis:
- Nathan:
- Hemant & Nathan:
Four Weeks
Blocked/Long Term