2019-08-12 Officer Meeting
August 12, 2019
on 2019-08-12)
Start Time: 18:42
End Time: 20:12
- Helen (President)
- Mike (Vice President)
- Nathan (Treasurer)
- Louis (Systems Admin)
- Charles (Secretary)
Last Week's TODOs
Short Term
- Charles:
- Charlie:
- Helen:
- Louis:
- Mike:
- Nathan:
- Helen and Nathan:
Medium Term
Long Term
Topics for Discussion
- Louis: Fridge
- Helen: Root access to ACM machines
- Helen: event planning documentation
- Helen: timeline for postering and advertising events
- Helen: SDC
- Helen: delegating events
- Helen: contact department about unix classes
- Helen: Gopherlink - whose job is it?
- Helen: events on gopherlink
- Helen: Book atrium for lan party
- Helen: ssf deadlines
- helen: drive organization
- Helen: Minnehack sponsorship prospectus
- Helen: minnehack sponsor deadlines document
- helen: pre-minnehack schedule
- helen: minnehack roles
- helen: think talk prospectus
- helen: documents for potential ctf sponsors
- helen: student group registration
- helen: new p card system
- helen: clean up fridge
- helen: who has website edit privileges
- Charles: mlh accreditation
- mike: mh 2021
- Louis: Fridge
- louis: if fridge says "needs cleaning" is it okay
- helen: if it involves unsafe materials, no
- louis: any cleaning should be done not in the acm room
- charles: I can lend a mini van for moving
- louis: prefer to find truck somewhere
- helen: how are we getting rid of old fridge
- ace: contact reuse
- louis will contact reuse
- Helen: Root access to ACM machines
- helen: who has access?
- louis: it depends on the machine, some subset of {louis, michael, isai, ringo}
- louis: currently on an as needed basis
- louis: giving people docker is roughly equivalent to giving root access
- louis: I can also turn them off via hindbrain (admin controller) whenever I want if something goes wrong.
- louis: the two major bad things people could be doing are: illicit things from ACM subnet, DOS attacks/content manipulation on ACM services
- louis: Irene is aware that Bad Things could happen from ACM subnet, on the same page as me that this is a cost of doing buisiness for giving students this type of access. Previous "security" incidents have been well-handled
- louis: we wont necessarily be notified if the above happens though
- louis: we might consider moving website to cerberus so that root cant influence acm websites.
- helen: are all of the people with root members?
- louis: yes, at least until fall. (does isai get free membership as ex-pres?)
- Helen: event planning documentation
- helen: write documents about how to plan events, if you got thrown into an event what would be helpul for you to have? as the driving question.
- Helen: the solution is to update the wiki and make it known
- where/how to get food, how to get rooms, how to get help, etc.
- louis to write guide to running ctf for future louises
- Helen: timeline for postering and advertising events
- helen: i wrote a timeline, we should agree on some revision of it
- see timeline in drive for details
- make sure that the posters should be designed at least a week in advance of when they are needed
- we need posters for first few events asap
- Helen: SDC
- helen: we need to plan it at some point, we should pick out prompt before school year so that we can start planning other things.
- louis: if target doesn't want to sponsor, find a person in department to find a research related prompt. (lana, maria, grouplense)
- helen: charles can print shirts for acm events in the future
- helen: we should set up SDC event meetings once relevant people are back in town.
- Helen: delegating events
- helen: everyone should be in charge of some event
- louis will be in charge of lan party, ctf (atrium still needs to be reserved), unix classes (with nathan)
- mike :) in charge of SDC
- helen in charge of paper pals, resume event
- charles in charge of study for finals
- Helen: contact department about unix classes
- helen: who do we contact
- louis will do
- Helen: Gopherlink - whose job is it?
- charlie to put events in gopherlink
- Helen: Book atrium for lan party
- Helen: ssf deadlines
- helen: when are they, what to apply for
- treasurer thing for Nathan
- nathan: we have a folder with information
- helen: drive organization
- helen: bad organization
- charles: organize by year
- helen: who should be owner?
- ace: members have equal access to team drive
- ace: already set one up a while ago that we dont use yet
- ace will set that up
- Helen: Minnehack sponsorship prospectus
- Helen: I want other people to look it over
- Helen: minnehack sponsor deadlines document
- helen: we should make a document with all the deadlines for minehack sponsors (I can do that)
- helen: pre-minnehack schedule
- helen: I have a spreadsheet (in drive)
- helen: I will put in sponsor deadlines here too
- helen: minnehack roles
- helen: specific roles for each person
- helen: everyone planning minnehack should read the minnehak manual (in the Gdrive)
- Helen: I think I should be head of logistics
- Mike in charge of volunteers
- Charles in charge of marketing
- Louis in charge of networking
- Nathan may be able to be in charge of finance
- Still need head of participation/wrangler
- helen: think talk prospectus
- helen: we should have one, I wrote a draft. Nathan and Mike can you review?
- helen: documents for potential ctf sponsors
- helen: we need documents for what is involved in a sponsorship
- louis: I can do that
- helen: student group registration
- helen: we need to be registered as a student group.
- mike: how do we check?
- ace: contact SUA
- helen: I will be registering us
- helen: new p card system
- helen: there is one
- helen: email from Shana says: student groups will purchase for themselves, we will check out the cards from Shana.
- ace: does this mean no purchase rqeuest necesary?
- helen: don't know
- helen: clean up fridge
- helen: should be cleaned so we can get rid of it
- helen: who has website edit privileges
- louis: it should remain how it is
- louis: charlie should be added to the github, however
- Charles: mlh accreditation
- minimum 150 attendees
- need to apply 4 months in advance
- has to be during academic year
- primarily students
- must be free
- have to be 24-48 hours long
- Mike: MinneHack 2021
- registration is too far out for current registration
Short Term
- Ace:
- Charles:
- Charlie:
- Helen:
- Louis:
- Mike:
- Nathan
- Helen and Nathan:
Medium Term
Long Term