2019-02-18 Officer Meeting
February 18, 2019
on 2019-02-18)
Start Time: 2:40 PM
End Time: 3:25 PM
- Isai (President)
- Thomas (Treasurer)
- Louis (Systems Admin)
- Jack (Community Ambassador)
- Cassie (Membership)
- Mike (Secretary)
- Michael (Webmaster)
- Ari (The Architect)
Last Week's TODOs
Short Term
- Cassie:
- Jack:
- Isai:
- Louis:
- Mike:
- Thomas:
Long Term
Topics for Discussion
- Cassie: Membership fee portal broken
- Ari: Town hall
- Isai: Elections
- Isai: LAN party
- Isai: Coffee & donuts posters/food requests
- Isai: CTF 3
- Isai: SSF update
- Ringo: CTF 3 poster
- Ringo: CTF 3 ryi
- Isai: Server closet is warm
- Jack: CSE week cookout
- Isai: CTF email
- Michael: Member system
- Cassie: Membership fee portal broken
- Cassie: Nevermind, I think that's actually working now
- Cassie: Is there a way to make verifying whether someone has paid a more formal process than just DMing an officer?
- Cassie: I can email all the people who are listed as unpaid and ask for a receipt
- Cassie: I'll also update the wiki
- Ari: Town hall
- Ari: Go to it.
- Isai: It's the 26th, from 2:30 to 4:30. Who can make it?
- Louis: I'm free from 2:30 until 4
- Isai: Good enough
- Isai: Elections
- Isai: Helen was in charge of setting that up last year
- Isai: Do we want to do ranked voting again this year?
- Consensus: sure, who cares
- Isai: We need to choose a date for when people need to sign up for positions and when we're opening elections
- Louis: It would be cool if the date was late March or early April so I can know whether I'm gonna be here next year
- Isai: Early April is fine. We can open the registration after spring break
- Louis: I think we should have a rule that you have to have to have expressed interest in a position in order to run
- Isai: LAN party
- Louis: We should have a planning meeting with IEEE so we know who's doing what
- Isai: We still have the server open, and UMN eSports put the event on their schedule
- Isai: I'll reach out to them today and see when they're available to meet
- Louis: We should consider changing the networking for the LAN party now that Hestia is set up good
- Louis: That wouldn't take much work because it'd be the same config as MinneHack
- Isai: Coffee & donuts posters/food requests
- Isai: I can print the posters after this meeting
- Ari: I would say print more than we need and only hang up half, for when they get taken down
- Isai: CTF 3
- Isai: Ringo doesn't want to make the poster this time because he got yelled at for doing the last one wrong
- Isai: We're gonna talk to Target about sponsoring prizes on Thursday
- Isai: Once we get our money from SSF we can buy the Raspberry Pi's. We want to do that soon, because it might take a while to get delivered
- Isai: Have you started writing challenges yet?
- Louis: No. We're not making the source code public until the event, but that does need to get done soon.
- Ari: Do systems meetings even exist anymore?
- Louis: Kinda
- Isai: SSF update
- Isai: I misunderstood the email Sarah sent, so she's gonna email someone about getting it worked out
- Isai: Thomas did what he was supposed to, but he doesn't have access
- Ari: Isn't it too late?
- Isai: We're working with Sarah, and it's better to do it than not do it
- Isai: Alternative plan is to dip into MH fund to buy things that we'll use for MinneHack in the future
- Louis: If we don't get SSF money for the fridge, we shouldn't ask the department for it, we should just buy it on Craigslist
- Ari: Louis is right, especially since buying fridges isn't really what SSF is for in the first place
- Ringo: CTF 3 register interest form
- Louis: We wanted people to register their interest far in advance so we can choose a date
- Isai: I like the whentomeet idea
- Ari: We could just put a link on a poster
- Isai: Are we picking days of the week or specific dates?
- Ari: I would say exact dates
- Michael: I don't think so. Can we do something else in addition to the whentomeet, like a google form?
- Isai: There's only like two weeks we can do it during
- Isai: Server closet is warm
- Isai: Louis says it's within acceptable ranges
- Louis: It could be 20 degrees hotter and still be fine
- Consensus: don't even worry about it bro
- Jack: CSE week cookout
- Jack: We're good to go if we want to do a cookout
- Jack: Time is the Wednesday of CSE week, 11:00 to 3:00
- Jack: Also they want to partner with the Salvation Army this year, with sucks
- Louis: We could run out own thing and not be affiliated with them
- Jack: But then we'd have to get our own outdoor food permit
- Isai: We could just not do a cookout. We're still doing the LAN party, which is part of CSE week
- Louis: Can we email them and say we want to support a different charity
- Jack: Yeah, I'll do that
- Isai: CTF email
- Isai: We got an email thanking the CTF team for doing a good job, which was very nice
- Ari: We should respond to him
- Isai: Michael, can you do that?
- Michael: Member system
- Michael: We're gonna write a member system
- Isai: Is this Thetis?
- Louis: No, it's a different thing that does the same thing
- Michael: It would automatically assign the paid member role in Discord and automate events, I also threw in an attendance table just for kicks
- Isai: Can you put in a template email functionality?
- Michael: Yeah, we can add that in
- Michael: What else do we want?
- Michael: I like the idea of updating the website through git, so that'll probably stay
- Louis: We can look through the Thetis requirements after the meeting
- Isai: Can we move finance away from Google Docs?
- Ari: No, it's required by the department for SSF
- Isai: What's the timeline on this system?
- Michael: It depends on the requirements. I'll make a repo and you can put in feature requests
- Louis: I think we should do away with Ringo's permission system and use roles instead
- Louis: If we want to do permissions later we can do that through roles
Short Term
- Cassie:
- Isai:
- Jack:
- Louis:
- Michael:
- Mike:
- Thomas:
Long Term