2018-10-15 Officer Meeting
October 15, 2018
on 2018-10-15)
- Isai (President)
- Helen (Vice President)
- Thomas (Treasurer)
- Louis (Systems Administrator)
- Jack (Community Ambassador)
- Mike (Secretary)
- Ashmita (Systems Committee)
- Ari (The Architect)
- Charlie Vuong
- Lukas Kelsey-Friedemann
Last Week's TODOs
- Ace:
- Ashmita:
- Helen:
- Isai:
- Jack:
- Louis:
- Thomas:
- Helen and Jack:
Medium Term
Topics for Discussion
- Nathan: Status of buying printer
- Nathan: Status of ML box
- Nathan: Status of buying items out of CS&E budget
- Ari: Replace bylaws/constitution/Officer list papers on fridge
- Ari: Fall/operational SSF purchases
- Helen: membership fees budget
- Helen: separate meeting for financial committee
- Nathan: Status of buying items out of SSF
- Nathan: Make meeting minutes better
- Ari: MinneHack materials
- Jack: MinneHack interview
- Nathan: Better PR management/review
- Isai: SUA grants
- Ari: SSF things
- Isai: Finance and PR/events working meetings
- Nathan: Delete branches
- Nathan: Vending machines
- Nathan: Greco-roman name for machine learning box
- Ari: Door access
- Ari: University printing: Letterhead
- Ari: Start weekly MinneHack meetings
- Helen: Go over rules
- Helen: MinneHack budget
- Helen: MinneHack code of conduct
- Ari: Think Talk emails from Kate
- Helen: SESB meetings
- Thomas: Best financial practices
- Thomas (et al): Talk about results of Mats meeting
- Louis: Resume upload
- Helen: LAN Party (?)
- Ari: Meeting Location
- Nathan: Status of buying printer
- Thomas: We need to meet with Sue before that happens
- Nathan: Status of ML box
- Isai: It's been discussed at the systems meeting
- LAN Party has moved to being sponsored by SSF, so there's a lot of extra money in the budget because Mats says that we should round up to $5k
- Result of discussion with Isai at systems meeting: Fix LAN party budget, use money from that for ML box
- Consensus from Systems meeting forwarded: Buy ML machine, move 1080 to ML machine, buy 2080 and put in in battlestation
- Nathan: Status of buying items out of CS&E budget
- Isai is writing an email to Sarah about when we need to spend our operational funds
- Helen: We should spend all of our money from last time before we request more
- Ari: must be spent this academic year
- Isai and Thomas have already submitted a purchase order for items from Amazon for some of the items in the budget. Sent to Shana, in process of being approved or already approved.
- Ari: Can things be purchased from not Amazon?
- Isai: Yes, but must fill out one purchase request per vendor.
- Thomas: To purchase things that can't be done through epurch we need to (1) submit a request (2) note that we need the PCard (3) get Isai or Thomas to check it out
- Ari: What about MinneHack?
- Thomas: Already told them, will have special case where we can have it for the whole weekend
- Helen: We'll need to check it out for at least a day beforehand to purchase soda &c
- Thomas: OK, they already know this
- Helen: What about travel reimbursements?
- Isai: For people that go to the U we can pay through system (finance will send form to the student, then they will write checks to students).
- Ari: Warning, we don't currently have money for this
- Isai: Not sure we should have reimbursements
- Ari & Helen: No, they are good
- Consensus: If we have the money we'll do it, but it's not the top of the priority list
- Ari: Replace bylaws/constitution/Officer list papers on fridge
- Papers on the fridge are old
- Helen: Should have constitution and rules on the website
- Ari: Fall/operational SSF purchases
- Thomas: In this process, meeting tomorrow about it.
- Ari: Need to email Sarah Carvell about required training.
- Isai: We know, already talking to her
- Isai: We should rope in people (e.g. Lukas) who are interested and take them to the meetings
- Thomas: We should do SSF stuff before moving forward with other financial stuff. Meeting tommorrow and Weds at 1800
- Helen: membership fees budget
- Helen: Want separate plan for what we are going to spend, e.g. coffee
- Isai: We should only use 80% of this budget, keep rest as slush fund
- Helen: separate meeting for financial committee
- Thomas & anyone else interested
- Thomas will make schedule for financial meetings and inform us. Should be monthly
- Ari: Start weekly MinneHack meetings
- Isai: Can be open to anyone that's interested, not talking about prompt stuff. Should have all staff present
- Ari: Jack should develop squad for MinneHack responsibilities e.g. managing sponsors
- Helen: Tasks and other information should be updated regularly in the MinneHack master spreadsheet. This is pinned in the MinneHack discord admin channel**
- Isai: If you are on the staff list, please share your google calendar
Nathan: Status of buying items out of SSF
- Nathan: Make meeting minutes better
- Mike: I don't like it [new meeting mins scheme], but willing to do it if the group agrees. Verbosity is unnecessary and makes it harder to parse, but understand that it can be useful
- RE: Passive aggressiveness in meeting-topics:
- Expectation is to treat everyone with respect
- Louis/Isai: Nathan's position, key having
- Consensus: Status Quo is OK for now, but if unacceptable behavior continues it may result in consequences including loss of root and/or key
- Joking about removing root from others is bad
- People should not remain in the club/as an officer if it results in being personally unhappy/etc
- We should keep focused on upcoming events, keeping the club together - if personal issues bleed over into causing club issues that is unacceptable
- Isai: Policy: All outgoing official emails should be reviewed by someone else
- Nathan: Better PR management/review
- We copied template for website post and forgot to change the name. Isai made PR and Louis approved
- Isai: Policy: We need to read over (in addition to checking for technical problems) PRs when merging
- Isai/Louis: Website updates
- Isai: Will be adding ACM-through-the-years content to the website, information about activities we run (in the abstract.) Isai wants the site to look good.
- Isai: Mats says that the real issue is cohesive look, not hosting system
- Isai: Don't delete events on website, just mark as hidden
- Ari: Does MH need to be compliant? Louis: No, not umn.edu domain
- Thomas: Meet with branding guy
- Thomas: Need to meet with Mark Rapacz about website branding
- Thomas (et al): Talk about results of Mats meeting
- Thomas: Can now get PCard, but need to fill out purchase request first
- Isai: They gave us a document, is in ACM email, will be added to drive
- Isai: Mats said we will be able to get money we request. We should make request general to make it easier to spend. e.g. have sponsorships read "ACM events" instead of "ACM MinneHack" so it's easier to spend on other things
- Consensus: Solicit donations for "ACM Events". Be as general as possible in [department] budgeting
- Thomas: Receipt solution
- Thomas: Should archive, but also need to scan. We should (1) sign (2) scan (3) turn in. Thomas will create receipt folder and scheme. Organizational scheme should be by date
- Lukas: Get it, sign it, take a photo
- Consensus: Need to keep copies of receipts. Have someone bring it to the dept office ASAP after taking photo. Policy: If you get a receipt, you are responsible for signing, taking photo, dropping off
- Thomas: Purchase Request management
- Thomas: Not always clear what has been sent out and what has not. We should have a better system for managing
- Ari & Isai: Isn't this supposed to be part of events spreadsheets?
- Ari: Should/could also be part of budget spreadsheet
- Consensus: Should put in event and budget spreadsheet. Also should put in PRs as early as possible for known purchases
- Ari: MinneHack materials
- Isai: Move to MinneHack meeting
- Helen has already made a when2meet, please fill it out
- Jack: MinneHack interview
- Jack and Isai have this later next week. Interview for MLH. Is this new?
- Ari: MLH could just have forgotten in past
- Isai: Doesn't think this will be an issue
- Helen: MinneHack budgets
- Helen: Made 3 budgets for different levels of funding: worst case, expected, best case
- Isai: SUA grants
- Isai: We can apply for 3 grants from SUA for general purpose monies
- Helen: There are some CSE grants to apply for too
- Lukas has volunteered to fill out grant applications. Seek other people to help
- We can give him a committee title in return
- Lukas: It is sad we don't have cups, etc.
- Charlie: Wants to be more involved!!!
- Isai: Help out for miscellaneous things
- Helen: Can only be an officer next year if available for a full semester
- Isai: HOMI & connecting with alumni
- Isai: Having content about history & alumni will help with this
- Ari: Architecture club does this, good idea. Keep alumni list, add graduating members
- Isai: Keep list, have yearly meeting. Should we sign up for HOMI?
- Consensus: Reach out to alumni, get them more involved
- Ari: Alumni meetup could be fall event last year
- Isai: Some alumni have lots of money, they could gift us that via U of M foundation. Would be good to have money not tied to the University
- Lukas: Point of ACM & future direction
- Lukas: What is the point of ACM, anyway? We're running out of space
- Ashmita: Outreach is primarily event-based
- Lukas: We should have a space for more people. One of the biggest advantages of ACM is the knowledge had by it's members. Suggestion: mentoring database.
- Ari: It is commonly literally full and no physical room for people that wander in.
- Lukas: If we had a lot of funding, what would we do with it?
- Isai: New event ideas: e.g. Study with ACM nights (regular event)
- Lukas: Weekend events, lots of people that want direction in their computer science interest
- Charlie: IEEE has "office hours" for officers
- Louis: Revive mentoring system idea
- Isai: Cater events around specific interest groups. Have meetings for interest-groups.
- Louis & Ari: Have more regular (weekly?) listings of when people are usually around
- Isai: Takeaway is that ACM is to promote interest in technology and form social groups around it
- Consensus: return to this topic for a way to have people interested in the same things meet on a semi regularly basis; we should be getting more feedback for our members; have people travel as packs to e.g. meetups
- Charlie: ACM provides infrastructure for interest-group meetups (Isai supports)
Ari: SSF things
- Isai: Finance and PR/events working meetings
- Ashmita: ACM-W showcase at beginning of Dec
- Showcase of Women & nonbinary showing off our work
- Isai: We should be supporting each other, we can put it in newsletter
- Ari: Practical support Ashmita: Mostly just advertising
- Nathan: Delete branches - OK
- Lukas: I want to organize informal weekend hack event
- How to announce?
- Lukas: I'll make a survey for this weekend. Have people bring their own food.
- Louis: Write up a thing and I'll put it in #announcements and @everyone
- Consensus: Organizationally, we're pro this. Will announce in discord, and want to build infrastructure to support this long-term
- Nathan: Vending machines
- Getting vending machine in room is not happening (it's bad and the college can't make it happen)
- Talk to Nathan or vendors if you want specific products
- Consensus: We don't want one in the space
- Nathan: Greco-roman name for machine learning box
- Must contain an m and an l, in that order
- seMeLe
- roMuLus
- Ari: Door access
- Louis: This is dept fault. Update request already placed. Long term solution is abnerdoor
- Ari: University printing: Letterhead
- Ari: Advantage of being CLP: Official U of M letterhead, postage, buisiness cards &c. We should get these. Will make us look official (as in, acting in stead of department)
- Isai: Who would fund? Ari: Dept. Can purchase w/ EFS number
- Isai: Should we create graphic standard? Ari: Yes, I can do it
- Helen: Go over rules
- Check rules, remove mention of snack store, put on website etc
- Mike: This is my job.
- Helen: MinneHack code of conduct
- Helen: We should make sure it's on MH website, and the PP
- Isai: Privacy policy is already up there
- Helen: We should announce this in the Discord. Will do
- Ari: Think Talk emails from Kate
- Helen: I will respond to these
- Helen: SESB meetings
- Isai: I've been going to them. He'll keep us posted on interesting developments - nothing has been relevant
- Every other Wednesday at 1700
Thomas: Best financial practices
- Louis: Resume upload
- Isai: Louis has sent CSV, need to email it out
- Louis: Only part missing is that we need to redirect new registrants to it
- Helen: LAN Party (?)
- Isai: Working with IEEE and UMN ESports
- Helen: We should, in the future, consider other locations. Not very accessible at the moment
- Helen: Do we have computers we are bringing? Resp: Battlestation, clubbies(?), monitors
- Ari: Everyone should know what we are doing before the day of the event
- Ari: Meeting Location
- Ari: Good to not always be in same room (esp if already been there for 5 hours...
- Isai: We can reserve other rooms Helen: Will do
- Ari: Does this make meetings less accessible? We need to announce when & where
- Charlie: Have every other meeting in ACM room vs. other places? Isai: This is hard to keep track, :-1:
- Louis: Have officer hours and "working" meeting
- Ari: Would make leadership more cliquey, less open. Bad that not as many people would have input. Lukas echoes concern.
- Isai: This isn't an issue for people that are really interested in being involved. If we had meetings nearby we could post it and it would only be 50ft away.
- Ari: Have next meeting in another room nearby in Keller. Make effort to announce this change - newsletter, website, poster
- Consensus: It is helpful to meet not-in-the-room, but we need to be sure not to make the meetings less accessible to general members
- Louis: Update servers - OK
- Ari: Reminder bot
- Conclusion from systems meeting: Will be built
Short Term
- Ace:
- Ashmita:
- Helen:
- Jack:
- Louis:
- Mike:
- Thomas:
Medium Term
- Ari:
- Helen:
- Louis:
- Michael:
- Thomas:
- Louis, Ari, Thomas:
- Louis and Helen:
Long Term