August 1, 2018
on 2018-08-01)
Jack, Nathan, Isai, Ari, Thomas, Cassandra, (Mike and Michael remotely)
- Budget
- Helen got a fun notebook at Target
- We are requesting more for each event
- CTF budget is roughly $1400
- Unix class budget is undecided ($700 for food, potentially paying for UNITE)
- We have money for 2 ThinkTalks at $356 each
- We currently have $1049 raised for SDC, estimated budget of $1700
- We have funding for 14 events
- We are going to ask for funding from SSF for pi's for spring
- Current budget:
- $80 mice
- $600 printer
- 6 calculators
- Mac Mini
- Assorted cables
- 2 lamps
- Add to budget:
- 2 new hard drives
- $75 4U computer case
- $100 offsite backups
- Ethernet nubbins
- $70 landline phone
- Systems committee things
- Standing banner?
- Branded condoms
- Stickers
- Printer paper
- $30 USB dongles
- Ringo potentially taking over snack store
- MinneHack
- Head of Logistics: Helen
- Head of Finance: TTang
- Head of Marketing: Jack
- Head of Participation: Cassie
- Drive/GitHub audit
- We must go through the Drive and GitHub and archive outdated files/remove unnecessary permissions
- Women in High Performance Computing Chapter
- We may advertise for the group if it happens.
- Paid member Discord role
- Some nonpaid members have the paid member role
- We gotta update the ACM national membership list
- Update newsletter
- Do we need to buy switches or management software?
- Tech interview resume event
Short Term